Dec 9, 2023Liked by Douglas McClenaghan

Good morning or afternoon!

Sorry to hear about this, Douglas, but not surprising. I was hoping you could access some of the pieces I've written through a PDF file. I can.

So if you would provide me your email address, I'll try to email you a select few, ones I can access myself. Mine is: lfmiron@gmail.com


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Hi Luis

That is very kind, thank you. You can get to me at 54macdog@gmail.com.



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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Douglas McClenaghan

I believe that Wildermuth also writes the following, both exact quote and a shuffled word here and there: (left and right) ... " transcends divisions of class and race, gender and sexuality..."

So, to exclusively vilify the Left it would seem serves only to exacerbate, not shorten, these deep divisions you and he call our attention. My "leftists" position--a 'radical' ideological perspective--derives not from privilege. Even as a successful academic and scholar, few people ever get my name right.

The latest iteration is fashioned with the innovative spelling, "Lu."

It seems that for over seven decades since emigrating from Guatemala, I'm perennially stuck with French (or creole) names--"Louie."

I would suggest a more humanistic, empathetic, tone of critique to "ordinary"leftists (citizens) who, despite all odds, continue to struggle for human and civil rights.

I agree wholeheartedly with the notion that what I would call the "professional left" (lower case L), or its counterparts on the Right, as oftentimes self serving. To occupy the more moderate space in the political center, we need dialogue. Hopefully Substack as well as other platforms like Medium can use their considerable resources to broker dialogue in hopes of mediating non-civility.

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Yes Luis, it is incumbent upon those of us on the, what I'd call true left, to continue our commitments to human rights and to fairer and more just societies. I remember a more pluralistic left, one which embraced diversity as sound practice, not as ideological fiat. I think Wildermuth sees the current "professional left" as distracted and superficial. His grasp of history and theory suggests that to be a proper leftist means much more than yelling cliches. Additionally, his personal involvement in grassroots leftism gives him credibility. In my work as an English teacher and sometimes academic writer I used theory to inform my practice, but was never doctrinaire. I plan to write about it some time.

I know what it's like for people to get your name wrong. I'd have thought the Spanish Luis was easy. I prefer it to the French.

What is your academic discipline, if I may ask?

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Douglas McClenaghan


Thanks for your incisive, as well as lucid response. I beleive we may have lots in common on this sometimes pesky issue. Since you asked, my primary field is political sociology; I've written for decades on the subject of ideology, including in the ealry 90s a piece on :corporate ideology.


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Hi Luis

Yes, I suspect that we are much on the same page, particularly in terms of what could be called the "spirit" of the left. I would very much be interested in anything you've written about ideology, it is perennially fascinating with boundless scope.



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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Douglas McClenaghan

Good morning, Douglas,

Here is a link to one of my first published pieces on the question, "Corporate Ideology and the Politics of the Entreprenurial Coalition in New Orleans." You can find this on Google Scholar; hope you can open link (I'm sole author using my "Anglo" name, "Louis" F. Miron). Other pieces, for example abstracts from my new book from Routledge Publishers you can also find on Google Scholar, "Resisting Racism and Promoting Equity: Challenging the Big Lies." The preface has a short section, "First Word on Ideology;" in fact, the entire 1st half of the book is unapologetically loaded with an ideological bent to rid both systemic racism and false narratives (ie ideologically-driven discourse meant to decieve): https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C19&q=Louis+F+Miron&oq=#d=gs_qabs&t=1701873410106&u=%23p%3DTDtrfIwVam0J

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Douglas McClenaghan

Here is anothr one, an Op-ed piece I wrote for the Mississippi Free Press. We could debate-dialogue: https://www.mississippifreepress.org/32827/fight-for-democracy-black-brown-and-indigenous-voices-wont-be-silenced

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Hi Luis

Unfortunately but typically, your academic publishers have paywalled these. I have worked with a few of them over the years and have found them very frustrating. Sage in particular. They sell their books to a small audience, but they are very expensive and writers get nothing. I know academics get credit for publications and citations but treatment of authors and scholars is deplorable. A few years ago a friend sent me a copy of a school test run by a testing company. They had used a review of mine and set some questions with it. They were making money from this but couldn't be bothered paying a permission fee. I don't have a high opinion of education publishers.



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Hi Luis

The link is great, taking me to a plethora of articles, so I'll have to choose and I'll let you know which. It looks like an interesting and varied collection. The school ones appeal most, even though it is a different system to the one in which I worked. Thanks.



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Hey Douglas, I certainly found this of interest, and will ask my local bookstore tomorrow if they can obtain a copy. Thanks for this post. Peace, Maurice

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Hi Maurice

I'm glad you liked it. I tried to present a different angle on the text, and one which suits my intellectual bent.

I am still computerises, which is a drag as I'd like to publish more



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Yeah - computers !! My Son here tells me I need a new one. My Son in England tells me I need an Apple Mac, and will help me transition...... Going over in a couple of weeks for a couple of months. Taking a 3 week break from posting whilst away. I'll be happy to work with you when I return to Nederland..... if you are ready to start by then. Peace, Maurice

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Hi Maurice

You can see from my comment that autofill on the phone is dismal. I could buy a new computer but would rather revitalise one that has sat at the back of a cupboard, or that someone wants to recycle. I am very loath to buy new digital stuff. Anyway, yes, our joint project can get up and running whenever you're ready. Til then, enjoy your break.



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My son tells me that the older, 2nd hand AMacs are more versatile and reliable than their recent models.... I am now on top of all my external projects..... So tell me fairly soon if you think suggestion this will work for us..... End Feb - you create Your first post, explain it's intent, and intro me as a semi regular contributor. Mid March, I post similar to my readers. End March you short interview me, and invite my first Guest post. (I can do 7 - 8 annually). This way you have overall control, but we both gain Khudos. You have seen how I end my own posts, with four weeks notifications of what's to come. I can add our project to this. I am also looking at Posting snippets on Notes, but not Chats. All the best, Peace, Maurice

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Hi Maurice

Yes, that all makes good sense. Surely I'll have a computer by then!



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